[ 2013-10-17 10:18] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [] [] [] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
As China's first interprovince subway route, the new line will help break the deadlock set by different administrative divisions and benefit both Shanghai's and Kunshan's economies, experts said.
这条interprovince subway(跨省地铁)于周三进行了trial run(试运行)。这条连接了上海和昆山的新地铁将促进该地区的economic integration(经济一体化)。
新地铁的开通给许多往返于这两地之间的人带来了便利,原先乘坐high-speed railway(高铁)的人现在会选择这一跨省地铁,因为跨省地铁offers better value for money / more cost-effective(性价比更高)。
相关阅读 “便民拖鞋”现身北京地铁
地铁“逃票人员” freeloader 地铁“安检” security check 地铁发放“迟到卡”
(中国日报网英语点津 丹妮
提高“信息透明度” [ 2013-10-16 14:37] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
请看《中国日报》 的报道:
Information transparency is an important means of enhancing the government's credibility and safeguarding the people's right to know, and of supervising government, it added.
国务院的报告称,The State Council Information Office(国务院新闻办公室)将定期举办news conference(新闻发布会),针对公众关心的重要政策和热点问题给出答复。监管macroeconomic development(宏观经济发展)和people's livelihoods(民生)的中央政府部门的负责人每年至少要开一次新闻发布会,而他们的spokespersons(发言人)每三个月应参加一次新闻发布会。
教育部门的前发言人指出,中国的spokesperson system(发言人制度)还有待完善。政府网站应建立online databases(在线数据库),供公众查询交通、医疗和教育方面的信息。
政务透明 administrative transparency
新闻采访权 rights in newsgathering
(中国日报网英语点津 丹妮)
[ 2013-10-15 14:30] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
Traditional and Internet retailers have struggled to reach China's vast hinterlands where infrastructure is poor and Internet penetration is just 28 percent.
传统零售商和网络零售商已经在奋力争夺中国大后方的市场,那里基础设施比较薄弱,互联网普及率只有28%。 现在中国的vast hinterlands(大后方)已经成为阿里巴巴的主攻对象,随着那里的Internet penetration(互联网普及率)的提高,将会发掘出更多潜在的商机。
阿里巴巴从一个B to B(business-to-business,企业对企业)的小网站发展到现在,成为了中国的e-commerce sector(电子商务领域)的龙头老大,开辟了首个nationwide, cross-territory single market(全国性的、跨领域的单一市场),释放了consumption power(消费力)。
如今消费者们可以通过阿里巴巴的AliPay(支付宝)付款和充值,公司和地方政府可以利用阿里巴巴的cloud computing services(云计算服务)存储信息。此外阿里巴巴还拥有online shopping search engine(网络购物搜索引擎)、mobile operating system(手机操作系统)、Internet TV set-top boxes(网络电视机顶盒)和digital mapping service(数字地图服务)。
视频购物 video shopping
(中国日报网英语点津 丹妮)
“电动出租车”现身北京通州 [ 2013-10-14 11:30] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
Tongzhou district took the first step. Two hundred electric vehicles used as taxis have gone into operation recently. The district government had set up 100 exclusive parking lots for the e-taxis, Beijing Morning Post reported.
电动出租车就是electric taxi,简称e-taxi。靠电力发动的车辆统称electric vehicles,或e-vehicles。通州的电动出租车的operation time(运行时间)为早6:30到晚11点,头3公里的starting price(起步价)为10元,超出部分每公里收费2元。
除了使用电动出租车外,北京还计划制造并使用采用clean energy(清洁能源)的公交车、postal vehicles(邮政车辆)和sanitation trucks(环卫车)。
废热发电厂 co-generation power plant
高档车 premium car
(中国日报网英语点津 丹妮)
[ 2013-10-12 09:37] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
In summer, kitchen exhausts can contribute to 15 to 20 percent of the PM2.5 pollutants in downtown Beijing, according to 2012 research by Wang Yuesi of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. That makes kitchen exhausts the third-largest source of air pollution, after vehicles and pollutants drifting from neighboring areas.
未在室外安装exhaust purification equipment(排气净化设备)的餐馆将被禁止做烧烤。据报道,在收到的对空气质量的投诉中,路边餐馆的油烟是最多人抱怨的,其次是car exhausts(车辆尾气)、industrial-waste gas(工业废气)、dust from construction sites(来自建筑工地的尘土)和dust from coal-fired boilers(燃煤锅炉产生的烟尘)。
新治理方案出台后,许多往日红火的roadside barbecues(路边烧烤摊)将不复存在,因为年底前将禁止市中心区域出现露天烧烤摊。根据上个月出台的clean-air action plan(清洁空气行动计划),餐馆都必须安装高效能的exhaust hoods and facilities(排气罩和排气设施)。
可入肺颗粒物 PM2.5
空气末日 airpocalypse
债务展期 debt extension [ 2013-10-11 10:36] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
延长借款时间,但被奥巴马总统拒绝了。然而今天共和党人又突然宣布说,愿意无条件地提高政府临时债务上限6个星期。 请看相关报道:Obama has steadfastly insisted that Congress reopen the government and extend the debt limit without conditions. 奥巴马坚决主张国会让政府重新“开门”,并无条件地提高债务上限。
提高债务上限也就是延长还债期限,即debt extension(债务展期)。奥巴马希望无条件地提高debt cap(债务上限),因而拒绝了共和党之前提出的以修改全民医疗计划为附加条件的debt ceiling proposal(债务上限提案)。 在政府停摆期间,80万联邦政府公务人员被迫take unpaid leave(无薪休假),共和党的approval rate(支持率)也直线下降,连美国著名的Statue of Liberty(自由女神像)景点也关门了。
逾期贷款 overdue loan
债务上限 debt ceiling
债务“减记” write-down
[ 2013-10-10 11:38] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
"South Korea is becoming a new shopping darling for Chinese, notably those from eastern China, who are mostly tired of trips to Hong Kong or Southeast Asia," said Quan, who has been leading tour trips to the country for five years. 权(音译)先生(一名导游)有五年韩国游的带团经验,他说:“韩国正成为中国人的购物新宠,尤其是中国东部地区的人,这些人大多是去香港或南亚都玩腻了。”
中国人已经成为世界闻名的big-spending visitors(出手阔绰的游客),60%的奢侈品消费都是在境外完成的,因为在大陆购买big-ticket items(昂贵物品)价格比在香港高出30%至40%。
采访发现,中国人热衷去韩国购物的原因是在韩国买designer brands(大牌货)比在香港买便宜,而且飞到韩国去购物也比飞巴黎伦敦更cost-effective(划算)。
免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
The central government vowed on Tuesday to strictly monitor the use of poverty-relief funds to protect the interests of people in need.
会议指出,那些embezzle(贪污)或misuse (滥用)poverty-alleviation funds(扶贫基金)的人必须受到严惩。各级政府须make their duties clear(明确职责)。
会议还表示,应该有效监管和审查public funds(公款,公共基金)、State-owned assets(国有资产)和national resources(国家资源),以杜绝腐败。会议还提到,将引入a third party(第三方)来评估公共基金。 相关阅读
贫困线 poverty line
开发式扶贫 development-orientated poverty reduction
(中国日报网英语点津 丹妮)
什么是“负面清单管理”? [ 2013-09-30 08:51] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
"Foreign enterprises will be given pre-establishment national treatment — treated the same as Chinese companies. Foreign investment will also be evaluated with a 'negative' list approach as opposed to a 'positive' list approach," said Jian Chang, an economist at Barclays China.
负面清单(negative list)又称消极清单、否定列表,是一个国家禁止外资进入或限定外资比例的行业清单(list of industries)。在这份清单上,国家明确开列不予外商投资准入或有限制要求的领域,清单以外领域则充分开放。与其相反的“正面清单”(positive list)自然就是国家明确开来允许外商投资准入或有限制要求的领域,清单以外领域一律不予开放。
上文提到的准入前国民待遇(pre-establishment national treatment)则指外国投资者在投资发生和建立前便开始享受与本国投资者相同的待遇。在传统的投资管理模式中,国民待遇通常在投资完全建立后才能开始享受。 相关阅读
国民待遇 citizen treatment
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
[ 2013-09-29 09:13] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平9月23日至25日在河北参加省委常委班子党的群众路线教育实践活动专题民主生活会并发表重要讲话。他强调,批评和自我批评是解决党内矛盾的有力武器。 请看相关报道:
He urged CPC members, especially officials at various levels, to courageously and constantly relay criticisms and self-criticisms so as to boost unity and implementation of democratic centralism.
习近平指出,批评与自我批评(criticisms and self-criticisms)是解决党内矛盾(contradictions within the Party)的有力武器(forceful weapons)。在此次专题民主生活会上,河北省委常委班子对照形式主义(formalism)、官僚主义(bureaucracy)、享乐主义(hedonism)和奢靡之风(extravagance)的种种表现,总结问题、剖析原因。
批评与自我批评是党的群众路线(mass line)教育实践活动的一部分。群众路线就是一切为了群众,一切依靠群众,从群众中来,到群众中去(doing everything for the masses, relying on them in every task, carrying out the principle of “from the masses, to the masses”)。
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
第三方支付机构获“跨境支付”牌照 [ 2013-09-27 08:58] 来源:中国日报网 字号 [大] [中] [小] 免费订阅30天China Daily双语新闻手机报:移动用户编辑短信CD至106580009009
Under the pilot programs, online payment service providers can act as agents to help handle cross-border currency settlements for Chinese shoppers placing orders on overseas websites as well as for those overseas shoppers making purchases on Chinese websites.
第三方支付平台(the third-party payment platforms)为网购一族(online shoppers)提供了巨大的便利。现在,随着跨境支付(cross-border settlements)试点的展开,境内消费者在网上“海淘”就更方便了。也就是说,消费者以后在国外购物网站买东西也可以直接用支付宝等平台直接用人民币支付了。
外汇局规定,试点支付机构为客户集中办理收付汇(foreign currency payments and receipts)和结售汇(foreign exchange trading)业务,货物贸易单笔交易金额不得超过等值1万美元,留学教育、航空机票和酒店项下单笔交易金额不得超过等值5万美元。
e-commerce settlements)、货物贸易(cross-border trade business)、留学教育(cross-border education)、航空机票(cross-border air tickets)以及酒店住宿(cross-border hotel booking)。
人民币“跨境结算” cross-border settlement
chinadaily英语点津篇二:2016-02-14 China Daily晚报
2016-02-14 China Daily晚报
>Chunyun sees 1.38b trips
>Yunnan on Zika alert
>Refugees flee Finland
>Obama's poem for Michelle
>Playboy's nude-free issue
>Buzzword:'couple face'
【Top News】
>Chunyun sees 1.38b trips
China's Spring holiday rush has so far accomplished 1.38b trips, a 3.3% growth from last year, according to the country's Ministry of Transportation on Saturday. The 40-day Spring holiday rush reached its midpoint on Saturday with railroad traffic increasing 9.1% compared to the same period last year, highway traffic up 2.8%, air traffic up 3.1% and maritime traffic down 3.2%. The ministry said its data showed
that 80% of people traveled during the period to visit families and friends while 10% chose to travel for the purpose of tourism.
>Yunnan on Zika alert
After China confirmed its first imported case of Zika virus, Southwest China's border province of Yunnan is on high alert for Zika, providing 24-hour laboratory tests for the virus. Lu Lin, director of Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Yunnan, said that the center is able to obtain the test result in four hours. He said the center has assessed risks of imported case of Zika virus in all prefectures and cities in the province. The WHO said on Friday that possible Zika vaccines are expected to come out for large-scale clinical trials in at least 18 months, advising pregnant women to delay travel to areas where the Zika virus had turned up.
>Refugees flee Finland
Thousands of Iraqi refugees who arrived in Finland last year have decided to cancel their asylum applications and to return home voluntarily, citing family issues and
disappointment with life in the frosty Nordic country. Almost two thirds of the asylum seekers last year were young Iraqi men, but some are now having second thoughts, so Finland will begin chartering flights to Baghdad from next week to take them home. Officials said about 4,100 asylum seekers had so far canceled their applications and that number was likely to reach 5,000 in the coming months.
>Obama's poem for Michelle
Barack Obama has recited a love poem for his wife, Michelle Obama, on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to celebrate Valentine's Day. The US president stood in front of a red curtain, surrounded by red roses and white lilies as he read the poem. "Michelle, this Valentine's Day I'm going to treat you right. I'm going to make you some zucchini bread. Then I'll spread out some veggies on a plate just the way you like them," he said. "Then I'll give you a massage while you watch Ellen's Design Challenge on HGTV. Because I love you so much. I Obama care about you more than you even know." Turning serious, Obama said: "Michelle, I've made a lot of great decisions as president. The best decision I ever made was choosing you. Thanks for putting up with me. I love you."
>Playboy's nude-free issue
Playboy has covered up! The first nude-free issue of the 63-year-old men's magazine was released to the public. The cover of the March issue features Instagram-famous model Sarah McDaniel simulating a sexy Snapchat - her arm held up as if holding the camera with a text banner reading "heyyy :)" The magazine's choice in cover model and social media reference appears to be a pitch to millennials. Playboy announced the historic change in October, saying it would no longer be publishing full-frontal nudity in the magazine starting with the March issue.
《花花公子》也"从良"啦!这个有着63年历史的男性杂志近日公开发售了其首期非裸体刊。三月刊的封面女郎是红遍Instagram的模特莎拉·麦克丹尼尔,封面中的她摆出似乎要拍照上传到Snapchat的性感姿势——举起胳膊像是在拿相机,同时配有文字"嘿~"。《花花公子》此次封面女郎的选择以及对社交媒体的涉及,为的是吸引千禧一代的年轻人。去年十月,花花公子宣布对杂志进行历史性的改版,称从来年三月刊起,将不再刊登正面全裸女郎图片。(英语点津网) (阅读双语原文: )
When they finally met Danny, they stood back and smiled and the wife said, "Ahhh...couple face, couple face!" Maybe it's because we were both grinning ear to ear. Or maybe it's because we just have a similar look. Lots of people actually said we looked like brother and sister when we were dating.
看到couple face这种表达方法,你是不是马上想到了poker face? 很多朋友喜欢玩扑克牌,玩的时候想必大家都会尽量保持脸上毫无表情,不露声色,这样别人就猜不出你手里的牌究竟是好是坏了。说某人有一张poker face,就是说他不露声色,面无表情,或者太一本正经了,也就是"板着脸"。比如,He always keeps a complete poker face.(他老是一副死板的表情。)
而couple face指的是夫妻之间面容相似。两个人在一起生活得久了,表情动作彼此模仿,会越来越像。有研究称,"夫妻相"其实是因为大多数人都爱自己,看到跟自己相像的人格外顺眼,因此从一开头就是拿自己当范本选择的另一半。
Nordic: 北欧国家的(adj.)
have second thoughts: (重新考虑后)改变主意
charter: 包租(v.)
zucchini: 西葫芦(n.)
Snapchat: 一款照片分享应用
millennials: 千禧一代(19世纪80年代初到21世纪初出生的人)
Text "CD" to 10658000.
Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.
>College students less fit
大学生体质不如中学生 鲁推水产在线交易平台 泰国爆炸3名中国人遇难 '爸爸3'拍摄封道惹争议 最丑蜡像馆遭吐槽(图) 美年轻人患上政治冷漠 英国女王聘请回信助理 智能狗项圈Buddy将上市 >E-commerce site for seafood >Bomb in Thai kills 19 >TV show restricts access >Anger at 'ugliest' museum >Politics puts off US youth >Queen needs assistant >Smart dog collar coming soon
【In Brief】
Three Chinese nationals were killed in a blast that happenedMonday night in central Bangkok. The bomb killed 19 people, andwounded more than 100.
【Top News】
>College students less fit大学生体质不如中学生
A new report concerning the condition and development ofChinese youth in physical activities shows that the physicalconditions of university students are getting worse, compared withsecondary school students. In physical exams conducted among
thesestudents, university students' physical endurance has droppedsteadily, while it has increased among secondary school students.To improve university students' physical
fitness, Guo Jianjun, oneof the report's writers, advocates for holding national youthsports events in summer vacations, engaging students in sports andorganizing volunteers to coach students.
>E-commerce site for seafood 鲁推水产在线交易平台
Shandong province has launched a one-stop seafood e-commerceplatform, as it moves to bring the traditionalfishery industry online while upgrading trans-regional cold-chainlogistics. More than 2,000 fishery companies have joined theplatform, displaying at least 6,000 products. Zhao Yu, chiefoperation director of, said the company willorganize offline promotions at the same time including productexpos and seafood cooking contests.
>TV show restricts access'爸爸3'拍摄封道惹争议
The local government of Suining county in Hunan announcedrecently that certain areas will have restricted access, due to thefilming of "Dad, Where Will We Go?", a popular TV reality show.Residents have been informed they will have to furnish their IDcards and household registration booklets to get in and out ofthose areas. This has drawn
widespread public criticism. SomeInternet users say that special traffic control measures should beenforced only for big events, in order to maintain social order andpublic safety, instead of for a TV show.
>Anger at 'ugliest' museum最丑蜡像馆遭吐槽(图)
Celebrities across China are outraged at their unauthorizedwax figures being included in a museum in Sichuan that has beendubbed by Internet users as "the ugliest wax museum." The museum,located in the city of Huayingshan, contains wax figures that manyvisitors have said don't resemble the celebrities they are supposedto depict. Many visitors
reportedly didn't know who was supposed tobe depicted in each wax figure, until they saw the figure's nameplate. The sub-par wax likenesses are the work of Zhang Shouxiang,a former curator at the Beijing Wax Museum. He defended hiswidely-criticized work, saying that it is normal for a wax figureto not look exactly like the person it is supposed to depict.
>Politics puts off US youth美年轻人患上政治冷漠
American young people are more disengaged from participatingin politics, according to a book named "Running from Office: WhyYoung Americans Are Turned Off to Politics" published in May. Theauthors surveyed more than 4,000 high school students
andundergraduates through online questionnaires and did more than 150hours of
interview. Only 11% of the students said they wouldconsider politics as a future career option. A Pew survey showsthat half of the youth in America say they are neither Democratsnor Republicans, which is a record high in 25years.
>Queen needs assistant英国女王聘请回信助理
She gets around 60,000 letters a year. But now The Queen islooking for somebody to help write the replies. The successfulapplicant must be "capable of processing a large volume ofcorrespondence," warns the job description. The £21,000-a-yearassistant
correspondence officer will be based at BuckinghamPalace. The job advert on the Royal website says it "involvesworking in a team with a shared and unique purpose,
undertakingcorrespondence that helps to support the work of The Queen."
>Smart dog collar coming soon 智能狗项圈Buddy将上市
Buddy, a smart dog collar designed by Squeake, a pettechnology company, could make adopting a dog full of fun. Thesmart wearable device, which monitors your dog's daily activity viaGPS and lets you know where it is, can let you keep your dog safe.Featuring a 3-axis accelerometer, light sensor, and temperaturesensor, the collar is water resistant and has a 14-day batterylife. There are three different tiers of the Buddy collar atpresent.
-I fear I won't finish my assignment on time.
-I'm frightened I might fall.我担心我不能按时完成作业了。 我很害怕自己会掉下去。
詹姆斯怕坐飞机怕得要命。 -James is scared to death of flying.
-That movie was absolutely terrifying.
endurance: 忍耐力(n.) physical: 身体的;肉体的(adj.)那部电影真够恐怖的。
one-stop: 一条龙的、一站式的(adj.)
wax figure: 蜡像 logistics: 物流(n.) disengage: 使脱离,使脱身(v.)
furnish: 提供(v.) axis: 轴(n.)sensor: 传感器(n.) correspondence: 信函(n.) accelerometer: 加速计(n.)
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